Welcome to our loving KiTa nano childcare! 2024 Summer Inscriptions are now open. Secure a place for your child now and experience caring and qualified childcare that caters to individual needs. We look forward to accompanying your child on their journey of discovery and growing together!

kita nano
Our Daily Routine
Welcome to Kita nano
Our doors are now open. We welcome all children and parents and look forward to our day together.
We have breakfast together and are happy to see more and more children coming to KiTa nano.
Strengthened by breakfast, we go to our group rooms and enjoy free play.
Morning circle
Now all children have arrived at KiTa nano. Together we start the day with the morning ritual. In the morning circle, we all greet each other, look at photos to see who all is in KiTa nano, and sing songs together.
We begin our targeted activities as part of a monthly project or go outside for some fresh air or enjoy time in free play.
Event Info
- Free play
- Walk
- Group Project
“Bon appétit!” Together we eat our delicious lunch. The children can help themselves at the children’s buffet.
Our Philosophy
At our KiTa nano, the focus is on the well-being and holistic development of each individual child. Our educational philosophy is based on the understanding that children are unique individuals who actively explore their world and learn through their experiences. We see ourselves as partners with parents and as a supportive environment where each child can grow at their own pace and in their own way. Hence our motto: “growing together”
kita nano
Our services are designed to help you as parents achieve an optimal work-life balance. We want to offer you security and trust while we lovingly care for and nurture your child. We cordially invite you to learn more about our diverse offerings and to get to know us personally.

Care modalities
Meal times
Die Hygiene in der KiTa nano ist von grosser Bedeutung, um die Gesundheit der Kinder zu schützen. Durch regelmäßiges Händewaschen/Desinfizieren, Sauberkeit in den Räumlichkeiten, Krankheitsprävention, Toilettenhygiene, sorgfältige Handhabung gemeinsam genutzter Gegenstände, Schulungen des Personals und offene Kommunikation mit den Eltern wird die Verbreitung von Infektionen effektiv eingedämmt. Die Einhaltung dieser Maßnahmen gewährleistet ein gesundes und sicheres Umfeld für alle Kinder unserer KiTa nano.
Für weitere Informationen kann das Hygienekonzept eingesehen werden.
3-24 months
Our infant group at KiTa nano cares for children between the ages of 3 and 24 months. Compared to mixed-age groups, this group constellation offers numerous advantages.
The daily routine in our infant group has been designed to meet the needs and rhythm of infants. Sufficient sleep time, breastfeeding and mealtime are scheduled, as well as time for physical activities and play.
As a result, our professionals are able to provide more individualized care and better meet the needs of each infant.
2 years-School Entry
At our toddler and preschool group, activities and games are specifically designed to meet the needs and developmental stage of older children. Since there are no infants in this group, we can offer activities that match the interests and developmental stage of the older children. Our children have the opportunity to build social bonds with each other. They play together, communicate and interact with each other. In this way, we encourage their social development, strengthen their friendships and allow them to develop their social skills.
Next to the bus station
Own garden
Natural surroundings
Telephone: (+41) 041 558 17 09
Email: info@kitanano.ch
School Hours: M-F: 7am – 7pm
See location
Next to the bus station
Own garden
Natural surroundings
See location
3 minutes from the bus station
Own garden
Natural surroundings
Location: Schutzengelstrasse 25, 6340 Baar
Telephone: (+41) 041 558 17 18
Email: info@kitanano.ch
School Hours: M-F: 7am – 7pm
See location
3 minutes from the bus station
Own garden
Natural surroundings
See location
See location
See location

1 minute from the bus station
Own garden
Natural surroundings
Location: Huobriedstrasse 4, 6340 Baar
Telephone: (+41) 041 558 17 27
Email: info@kitanano.ch
School Hours: M-F: 7am – 7pm
1 minute from the bus station
Own garden
Natural surroundings
See location
About Us
“Growing together” – this motto has accompanied us since 2011. In all these years we have grown together with many children, parents and team members. In our KiTa nano we are more than just a care facility. We are a second family, a place of security and liveliness. We look forward to welcoming you to our KiTa nano family. Learn more about us by clicking here.
-Steffi and Vanessa-